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how was this made in 1 month is the real question


not a lot of sleep 😭


Fuck yes I got that Eboy <3


Hi chat! Just a bit confused, why is the kiss ronin option crossed out?


That means you didn’t unlock it — like with unlocking the routes in the beginning, you need to gain enough favor with him to get that ending!

Do you know which options will unlock it?


i just got rick rolled 10/10


Simply amazing! I give it a 10/10 because of the art, game set up, story line, and voice acting!! I played V's route first and ended up with his 'good' end and it made me so sad I had to restart the whole thing so I could get his 'bad' end haha. V is supper cute, and I think he's become my #1 to romance. All in all, it was a great game and I'd love to see more ^^


aaa thank u so much for your kind words!! ;-; i’m so happy you loved the game and so glad u loved v, he’s honestly the best ;3

we’d really appreciate it if u could rate our game on the official itch page too if you haven’t already! <33 thank u for playing hehe


is the good end where u call the cops? if theres one where u don't pls tell me how to get it, i feel so guilty for calling the cops lol i don't wanna be stuck w that

Little bit of a disclaimer before I start, this WILL contain spoilers for all of V's route!! Might be vague, might not be idk.





So, all I did was stay in the group chat and didn't leave! From there I stuck to V's route while still helping Misaki with that one hit, getting the two together, and interacting with the rest of the group. I gave the group/V no reason to hate me and tried to keep it friendly, you know? Though you still get called out, but if you've done a good job of keeping things good then you'll pass without anything other than stress! [If you have successfully romanced V he'll stick up for you, along with the two you helped get together!]

When it comes time to it for Valentines day do NOT accept any flower or chocolates, accept the 3rd option instead. [Trust me on this, if you don't then you'll get the other 'good' end]. From there you should be able to convince the people that V isn't the guy they are looking for and then you can get the 'bad' end! Which is very sweet might I add!!

tysmmmm i already got it before i saw this but thanks for ur help! 

I've finally finished all of the routes!!(No Spoilers Here :P)

They were all up to the same standard and there was never a noticeable dip in quality, all of the art is drop-dead gorgeous, the characters charismatic and layered (even the non-love interests) and the voice acting is simply superb!

My only issue, and it is more of a nit-pick than anything, is that the same one, relatively short track looping over and over for pretty much the whole run time did get a bit sole crushing, especially since the VAs did such a good job that I couldn't bring myself to mute the game and sitting in silence outside of spoken dialogue felt like it would have been weirder.

But now I'm off to replay all of the routes and amass a document with all of the little lore drops and titbits we learn from the characters using my master save where I managed to get enough approval with everyone that I can romance them all 😈

(popping this here too as it says everything I think about the game and people should hear it!!)


Hi there, thank you for your review and glad to hear that you enjoyed Killer Chat! The game was created in a month’s time for Spooktober Jam so unfortunately the scope for music had to be smaller, but we are currently planning a bigger soundtrack (and different music for certain sections) in future builds!


Hi! I only just checked back on my itch account so I just saw this!

I had a feeling that the short timeframe was the reason, I'm doing a games design course myself so I know how hard it is to scrap together a game in a short time. I can't wait to see what comes with future updates! I hope you have a good day!! :D


genuinley fucking cried when i got misakis good ending so i went back and got the bad one but i dont think its bad honestly the only reason i got that was bcs of a misclick


just finished the ronin ""good"" ending. wild game. i love it sm

(1 edit)

Hii i'm really enjoying the game but i keep getting an error... i'm currently on Ronins route and when it comes to the options "Call the cops" and "Figure out his name", clicking on "figure out his name" brings up an error screen... not sure if its just me or not but yeah... other than that its a great game! can't wait to play the other routes :D

EDIT: Call the cops gives the same screen

Hello o/. It looks like you're running and older version of the game. Please re-download it to have all the bugfixes up to date, the new version will also alert you of new updates when they come, so it's more convenient for you in the future!


Just finished Ronin's route! I think I'm in love... 
Thank you for making such an intriguing game!! m(_ _)m I enjoyed all that I've played so far, and I'm probably going to go back and clear out the other routes as well. 



note the capital letters in the messages he sends you before his final video call, starting from "how are you Rotting along" (you'll be able to scroll through the chat again when you type in his name)


I'll just write it down in case you still can't get it 


Ronin Beaufort

ronin beaufort

That was quite an experience! Starting from a detailed avatar customization, then lots of choices and then this amazing voice acting. Very interesting. But I do wonder if you would like to make a guide or a walktrough. I've reached Ronin's ending but the option to kiss him was crossed out. I wonder why is that. We seemed to be getting along well as far as you can with a serial killer
But anyway, the game is so fun, really engages me during my depressive episode! 

It's the first time that I will comment on something, it's very impressive how this game entertained me a lot despite not understanding the language much, almost everything seems very pleasant to me, I am a reallyyyy fan. Please recommend games with a similar theme or with a character like Ronin, pleaseee TT

would love a walkthrough !! im a bit sick rn so my brain is not braining and i do not get the clues </3 like how do i figure out Ronins true name? lmaoo

(1 edit) (+3)

got both ronins endings and the "good" V ending but omg how do i get the bad ending </33

*got the ending lolz but yah a walkthrough would still be great just to make it a little faster <333

Can you tell me how did you get the bad ending? I still don't understand what I did wrong 

its when you talk to the police u have to choose: 1. -1 . -2. - 1. <33


omg tysm i was gonna ask this too TnT

no problem <33

Do you know how to unlock ronin's bad ending? 😭😭

if i remember correctly u have to be sarcastic and flirty with him but also choose the confident answers like “i’ll kill u” and stuff cuz he likes it better when ur “strong” <3

omgggg, absolutely loved the game. Such an interesting concept AND pretty art.


hiii thank u for loving the game :3 we’d rlly appreciate it if u could rate our game on the official itch page if you haven’t already! <33 thank u for playing hehe


also, i kinda wanted a dialogue option where i pretend i'm an utter beginner still planning my first kill. but that would probably also require a lot of dialogue rewriting so i understand that wouldn't be realistic.

well. i got the ending where misaki tries to kill me but i call the cops on her. honestly i wished there were dialogue options to be more platonic but i guess this is a dating sim at heart.

Need that E-Boy so bad... He don't want me though :(


This is so fucking good omg. I was delighted to hear that there is VOICE ACTING!!!


Is there a way to look back at the CGs?


Honestly, this is the best visual novel I've ever played, it's perfect in every aspect, totally in love with this 😭😭🙏

aww thank u for loving the game :3 we’d rlly appreciate it if u could rate our game on the official itch page if you haven’t already! <33 thank u for playing hehe


the ""bad"" ending would be my good ending LMAO. i love ronin so much you don't understand, i picked like every flirty option toward him. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT IS REAL /j


ronin is just the perfect asshole what can i say fr!! thank u for loving the game :3

also, if u loved the game we’d rlly appreciate it if u could rate our game on the official itch page if you haven’t already! <33 thank u for playing hehe


How come certain names are crossed out when you decide who to pursue? I am playing through the game currently and after doing V's route I decided to try for Misaki, but I remembered that their name is crossed out. What triggers that?

You have to gain enough favor with someone to romance them -- it's not enough for you to like them, they have to like you too!

Tip: be sure to choose the LI who's route you want to do on the screen where you select who you want to learn more about, and you may be able to get bonus points by choosing roles similar to theirs (for example, if you want Misaki, select the "guns" role in the beginning)!


Only played the Ronin routes so far but GODDD did they make me feel for these characters! 
Speaking of, ALL of the characters are consistent, enjoyable and brimming with personality, even the non-romanceables (which many games like this tend to neglect).

The narrative is so well constructed and the art is simply breath-taking, ESPECIALLY the ending CG!

This game is ABSOLUTELY worth playing, especially since you can play it for free (but throw a little love the creator's way if you can)!
That's all I have for now, off I go to play 10-ish more hours of this game!!!

Might come back later to update this review after playing all routes!


hii thank you for such a sweet review and for loving the game :3 i hope you enjoy the rest of your 10hr playthrough hehe and can’t wait for more of your thoughts!!

btw we’d rlly appreciate it if u could rate our game on the official itch page if you have the time to! <33 thank u for playing hehe


Oh my god I was playing this last night and ended up getting the """bad""" Ronin ending on my first attempt?? 😭 Never kissed a man so fast in my life. Now time to get a better V ending that DOESN'T end with him getting arrested 🙏 Gotta save both my babies

Overall, awesome game! Glad it was recommended to me by chance!!


ronin just has such a kissable mug what can i say fr!! thank u for loving the game :3 and i’m wishing u the best of luck on your V run!!

also, if u loved the game we’d rlly appreciate it if u could rate our game on the official itch page if you have the time to! <33 thank u for playing hehe




Scared of how fast I fell in love with Ronin... BUT that aside this game is so fun, so well thought, with incredible VAs, and creepy (and cute? sometimes.) stories. I had such a good time, and I'll play more to test and try all the different answers ehe

Thank you so much for this game !!


One of the only dating games I've fallen for every character in, which is crazy cos' i usually just pick one or two i like. The VAs killed it ;)


Um, a really interesting concept with a well-done and unique UI..I had high hopes but it kind of all fell a bit flat when later on in my first playthrough every quote unquote choice was just a singular option. Why even include it if there isn't really a choice involved, lol? Also, there was a bit of inconsistency in V's route that kind of killed it for me..Oh well! Maybe if the developer had more time/resources, but not bad for a free game :3 

Fuck you.

Fuck you. *vomits on you*


I discovered this game by sheer luck and had played from 9 pm to 4 am non stop and I'm going to probably play all the other routes and I also had shared the game with a lot of friends. The customization in the beginning and the way that you can customize your profile simply catched my heart, it was an unique way to feel included, and then there was the fact that during the first month in the game I was freaking out thinking that I could get a game over if I said the wrong thing, I was on the edge, but as the game passed and I started to get to know more about the other I relaxed and really got into the found family vibes, maybe the real treasure were the serial killer friends we made in the way lol. And about the romance I just tried the V route (but I'm going to try the Ronin too) and I loved how the relationship had slowly happened, as a sucker for slow burn, but I have to admit that I already had plans earlier of making him fall in love with me so he could stop get suspicious of my character and it just turned out almost like a enemies to lovers roleplay, where my oc was the sunshine and he was the grumpy one (and his VA was chef kiss), I had at least four saves to save this man in the end and got a good ending, it was the kind of distraction I need it from UNI and I'm still getting hold of the fact that this game is full free, it's obvious the care that the devs had put into it, 100/10 for me, it was perfect, would love to see u guys make other games like this. Love from Brazil xoxo


hiii this review is just so kind omfg thank you so so much! i hope you weren’t too sleepy after that 9am to 4am playthrough aaa. i hope you have fun with the ronin romance just as you did with v’s, i’m glad you got to play out the enemies-to-lovers with him!

thank u for loving the game :D one of our devs is brazillian so ill be sure to forward your review to them!

btw, if u loved the game we’d rlly appreciate it if u could rate our game on the official itch page too if you have the time to! <33 thank u for playing hehe

Came for Misaki, stayed for Misaki AND V. All of the characters have my heart, though. This was such a fun game <3 Misaki and I will be running away together. Also, someone else already mentioned it, so I would like to second them: a plus sized option would be greatly appreciated if you ever decide to make a similar style of game!! The VA's did so well too, very immersive, and I didn't cringe the way I usually do when a game is voice acted. In my opinion, the voice actors all suit the characters they play to a T. ok enough rambling lol, thank you everyone who worked on this!! it's truly a wonderful game!


Misaki fans rise!!!


thank you so much for all your kind words!! :3 i hope you enjoy your happily ever after with misaki! we’ve noted your comments down and its something we’ll keep in mind for the future!


GORGEOUS game, thank you so much for this, sincerely.

i've tried a lot of VNs, and especially a lot of dating sims. the concept appeals very much, but i always find the specifics either offputting or unintineresting and invariably give up on the idea of VNs for a few months until one looks compelling enough to make me relent and give it a try and, yep, still don't like it. including other serial killer dating sim VNs!

i'd come to think that there's a certain type of game, a certain genre or something, that i could enjoy if only i could find it, but in trying to describe that genre i always find myself describing dating sims, so what am i missing?

apparently, i was missing this specific dating sim. i wouldn't call it perfect but i enjoyed it very much despite its flaws. and i don't mean "i begrugingly played it to the end and enjoyed some parts but found other parts a slog", i mean i ENJOYED it despite its flaws, every bit of it. in fact, i think i even enjoyed some parts of it that others might call flaws. there's no accounting for taste.

speaking of subjective, the voice-acting is the best i've ever heard in a vn, i'd go so far as to say it might be the best voice-acting i've ever heard in any game, at all. not merely "acceptable", or "sometimes good and sometimes bad" like a lot of game voice-acting is, especially in VNs, absolutely FLAWLESS performances all around. i loved it.

i normally mute voices in most games i play, especially VNs. i will mute my whole computer if it's the only way to not hear voice-acting in a VN. i hate it. i find it annoying and distracting. i think, shut up and let me read.

not here, ohh this is the first VN i've ever played where i was actually disappointed whenever the voice-acted portions came to an end.

the characters feel like people. they talk like people. okay, goreboy may be the biggest drama queen on the planet but he still feels completely believable, ESPECIALLY with that voice-actor. i respect his commitment to the bit, anything less would have been too little. (by which the voice actor, and the writer, and goreboy the character)

i think the presentation helped a lot with immersion. this is something i've always struggled with in VNs, besides generally finding the romanceable characters boring (often the supporting cast is far more interesting, why did VN writers all agree to not let us date the interesting characters?)

i found it incredibly easy to forget i was playing a game, to such a point that i consider it to only have one major flaw: a lot of my dialogue options felt deeply lacking, often trapping me between choices i would never want to pick. this has always been my biggest issue with VNs, but i always accepted it as a natural limitation of playing a game. here, though, i felt it as a significant frustration, especially during certain scenes.

i accept that every possible option can never be accounted for, but it often felt like the most obviously desirable responses were deliberately ommitted, and i can't figure out if that's a lack of imagination on the writer's part, or deliberate railroading due to not wanting to write certain conversation trees.

normally, when i play a VN (or any choices-matter game) i don't actually decide on a particular desired outcome, at least not on a first playthrough. this sometimes results in messy or nonsensical outcomes, due to romance being an invisible points-based system, or else if the writer was smart being stuck in a disappointing (but understandable, given my choices) neutral non-ending.

i just play naturally and pick the responses that feel real, or closest to what "i" (that is, the character i am playing as) would really do.

i could mostly do that here, which was great, and as i said the lacking options was frustrating in places, but i suprised myself (and was surprised by the game, in fact). i expected to end up pursuing goreboy because he was quite immediately attractive, and i can see from the other comments that he's understandably popular.

but then V introduced himself and i understood by our second conversation that i was Going to date him. it wasn't a conscious decision, it just felt like a fact.

i do have one other complaint (and i'm kinda hoping it's actually a bug report): quite a few times, the killers talked about their kills and the resultant conversation implied that they'd posted an image or something, but there was nothing. i was beginning to think i had run into a bug and that however you got renpy to handle image messages just wasn't working, but then the sunset photos and christmas dinner appeared, so, was that artwork just not completed?

SPOILERS below this line for V's route, and for the game's overall story.

he fought me all the way, too. i believed, more than once, that i had irrevocably fucked up, or that i had never held his interest at all. i felt certain on more than one occasion that he hated me, but decided (as i ALWAYS do on first playthroughs of games) to stick to my choices no matter what. maybe i'd get to see his bad ending?

he did literally say he didn't like me, it's not like i was guessing based on ambiguous dialogue. yet somehow i remained charmed anyway. in fact, he was remarkably forthcoming, and i was charmed by the truth.

but wow! turns out he's just really good at self-denial, hiding his feelings, and displaying unfathomable apathy regardless of how he really feels! i'm pretty sure the apathy was mostly not an act, he is pretty clear later on that he doesn't even understand his own emotions.

my greatest frustration was in a lengthy railroaded conversation in which i had no other option but to talk V out of killing goreboy. i would have happily taken several other routes in that conversation, but that specific approach was the one thing i knew i didn't want to do.

i was relieved when he finally believed i was telling him the truth.

while i was playing, i couldn't figure out what i was about V that i found so compelling. he's not exactly the kind of character one plays a killer dating sim for.

it hit me when he named the bird. dishonest about his own feelings, even to himself, views himself as the embodiment of justice, waits until the very last possible opportunity to act...

turns out i just have a very specific type.

this is a love letter to V i guess, but indirectly (or more directly) to the writer, and his voice actor (incredible, seriously).

when i genuinely enjoy a story, however it's presented, when it comes to an end i usually find myself with a deep and intense hollowness. a yawning chasm that the story had hitherto filled. i generally consider this Intense Nothing a compliment to the author of the story. their story was so great, and real, and full, that it actually had to carve out space for itself. and so, lacking the story, the enormity of that space is felt for the first time. (and i'll be honest, i ENJOY that incredible depth of emptiness at the end of a good story).

i didn't get that here. i was instead left with a remarkable lightness, the same lightness V described, alien and unexpected but very pleasant. i still feel it and i spent like an hour writing this. i think that's better, actually. i don't feel like i've finished a story, i feel like i've met someone.

so again, thank you for killer chat. i don't know if i'll ever find another dating sim this good.


such a good game if only i wasn't so talented at ending up in toxic relationships </3 only played 1.5 routes so far but the customisability and everything is insane !!! bad (good?) endings please come to me you're so sexyyy the blood lust is saur insane. <3 out of curiosity, do you think you'll ever consider making walkthroughs? either way full stars no notes the only thing if you have to have to make me complain is the fact the game is slightly laggy lol during character customisation, but the sheer variety makes up for it! much love <3


this lowk reminds me of blooming panic?? ronin being xyx, quest being angel, nightowl being misaki, then V as naked toaster- anyone else see it? Then with Vince and salo lmao with old retired married men


ok i played this over the course of 2 days and ive learned that im pretty good at dating serial killers. bc I got everyone's "bad" ending first try except for V. erm. didn't know this was a talent that I had but ig i will take it.

also this is so fire, I honestly did NOT expect the voice acting during voice and video calls, and honestly the way it autoplays the messages genuinely made it feel like i was actually in a real discord server talking to real people. like im being serious this was the most immersed I've ever been in a VN. this format is so fresh and unique and the writing was AWESOME too. 

I loved EVERY single LI and their routes were super unique. like in Misaki's route we video-called about 200 different times like her VA was putting in the work fr, but Angel's was far and few in between, but the interview thing was very unique to her. 

Went for V first because I love weird distant and cold men who are secret romantics especially with a british accent 😍 he was hard as hell to romance tho bro did not fw me that hard 😔 but i looooved angel and misaki as well, especially angel because she seemed so put together up until her epilogue and it was hot scary. "you taste blood. it's not hers" PEAK. PEAK FICTION. Misaki's assassination storyline was so different but so GOOD, like omg i was never bored with any LI bc they were all so unique.

and that's not mentioning the side characters, which were almost my fave part?? like i loved feli and luca sm and i thought it was so cute that there's a side quest to get them together. and sunset slasher is kinda my fave character icl....

you also really got that "this is a bad idea but i cant help myself" vibe down pat, bc even during the happy relationship epilogues i was sitting there like "damn. this is so toxic. this is real bad for MC here. fuck it we ball"

my only criticism is after being there for all the love interests i now feel bad when doing Misaki's route because i know angel is suffering under her manager and i wanna help her too 🙁 like can i romance all of them please. ofc that's on me tho not you <3


I LOVEEE the game so far!!!! the only gripe I have is that the character customization was so laggy i could just barely use it (its probably just a device issue on my end though) :,)

ronin good end come to me PLEASEEEEE


when you save, make sure it says 'sarcastic'! I did it like that both times I played his route, you're more likely to get his 'good' end by being defiant/challenging him!! Hope this helped!! xx



ofc!! good luck!! his route is my fav :3 (also his full name is Ronin Beaufort, you'll need it lol)



To whoever reading this that knows how to draw/edit/anything: I NEED FANART, EDITS, WIKI, WHATEVER YOU CAN MAKE, PLEASE




ur so real for the nightowl pfp

Now that I've done a first playthrough and gotten Misaki's "bad" ending, I can say I love it, it's so sweet.

Since I'm not going to risk getting it, is the "good" ending something involving the Big Job going differently?

Since I'm gathering that the "Bad" endings are actually the Good Endings in terms of, like, ending happily? Since I can't really imagine the Misaki one ending any better than that... which is pretty damn good.

I really loved it, everything was so well-polished. Admittedly I was an actual ball of stress during the lead up to the job because damn if Misaki wasn't throwing up an army of death flags there...

(1 edit)

yes, the "good" ending for Misaki happens when you call her during... the "Thing." It goes wrong. I've only gotten two "good" endings so far (V and Misaki) and all I'll say is that Misaki's one is fuckign crazy. i dont know how to spoiler text or else i would be more explicit but yeahhh you were right to be stressed about the army...

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